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Sunday, April 24, 2005 Message: 8412 From: Daniel Tourt Received: Fr Apr 22, 2005 11:19 Subject: Re: Re: English from zero I agree that using (or understanding) L1, if you can, to get the message across is a good idea (after all, you are a resource that is found naturally in the classroom and you said you were phasing it out quite quickly), but lets assume your level of German was the same as S's English. Where then? Having heard the schpiel the secretaries at most schools I've taught at give the "clients" (their word) - 'We have mother tongue teachers who only use English in the classroom, since full emersion is the quickest way to learn - blah blah blah', I was wondering what life would be like if that really were true, without resorting to flashcardy, point and repeat methodologies and staying true to the Dogme spirit. Dan


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